Laser Tattoo Removal by South Coast MedSpa | 877-650-SCMS (7267) | Laser Tattoo Removal Pictures | Laser Tattoo Removal | Los Angeles | Newport Beach | San Diego | Orange County

Laser Tattoo Removal Pictures

wrong japanese lettering tattoo
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Free Tattoo Removal

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Laser Tattoo Removal Pictures

There is a growing demand of laser tattoo removal in the last decade. Due to this demand people want to see the greatest results in removing tattoos. The best way to see clear results of tattoo removal is through before and after pictures. Pictures are best documented before and after a patient's treatment. Documenting pictures shows the patient clearly how much their unwanted tattoo has faded after each laser tattoo removal treatment.

It is best to document a picture of the unwanted tattoo at the time of the initial consultation. To get the best before and after pictures the patient should not have any kind of products on their unwanted tattoo, so the pictures of the unwanted tattoo are not altered in any way. By taking the picture at the time of the consultation, the patient is free of any creams on their unwanted tattoo.

South Coast MedSpa has had great success with laser tattoo removal by documenting pictures of patients with 95% reduction of their unwanted tattoo. Just after one treatment at South Coast MedSpa patients have seen up to 20% reduction of their unwanted tattoo.

Through pictures taken during the laser tattoo removal process patients and practitioners can see how the treatments are progressing. By examining each before and after picture, practitioners and patients can decide the course of action for their next treatment. Documenting pictures is a good tool in the laser tattoo removal process because it helps generate the greatest success of removing the unwanted tattoo.

Patients do have the option in deciding if they do not want their unwanted tattoo documented by pictures. Pictures taken at South Coast MedSpa are used and examined to give our patients the best results in their laser tattoo removal process. The importance of taking pictures before and after the laser tattoo removal treatments is explained so our patients will feel comfortable.

Documenting pictures in the laser tattoo removal process is very important to show patients the results of their treatments. It is a very beneficial tool in showing patients the success of their laser tattoo removal. We have seen the joy on our patient's face when they have viewed their before and after pictures of their laser tattoo removal process. Viewing these pictures brings a new found confidence due to the removal of their unwanted tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal Cost

Removing an old unwanted tattoo can have a very positive effect on an individual's personal image, self-confidence and personal finances. Living with an unwanted tattoo can cause financial stress in some cases- causing prospective employers not to hire an individual because of the company's policies on tattoos. Whatever the reason you need to remove the tattoo our objective is to help make it easy- you don't have to live with the regret of a not so well thought out decision, laser tattoo removal is the solution.

The cost of Tattoo Removal can be considerably more than the original cost of having the tattoo done. The cost difference is associated with the Medical Doctors oversight, the high cost of the lasers used in the process as well as the fact that the average tattoo takes multiple treatments to remove.

Description Size Down Monthly # of Payments
Small 2-3 square inches $105 $95 10
Medium 4-9 square inches $165 $150 10
Large 10-15 square inches $275 $210 12
X Large Full Sleeve/Back $450 $395 12

You can estimate your laser tattoo removal cost by referring to the chart above, our objective is to make laser tattoo removal affordable and in reach of your budget. Before any laser tattoo removal treatment a good faith medical examination must be performed in one of our clinics. Our goal is to make this process easy by allowing patients to get started with an affordable monthly payment plan.

Laser Tattoo Removal Guarantee

The cost of Tattoo Removal can be considerably more than the original cost of having the tattoo done. The cost difference is associated with the Medical Doctors oversight, the high cost of the lasers used in the process as well as the fact that the average tattoo takes multiple treatments to remove.

Look at the imags to the left to see examples of smal medium and large tattoos.

Amazing Before ;& After