Laser Tattoo Removal by South Coast MedSpa | 877-650-SCMS (7267) | Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare | Laser Tattoo Removal | Los Angeles | Newport Beach | San Diego | Orange County

Where can I get free tattoo removal in Los Angeles?

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Free Tattoo Removal

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Where can I get free tattoo removal in Los Angeles?

Since the laser tattoo removal process is much more complicated that the process of actually getting the tattoo in the first place, it is almost impossible to get free tattoo removal in Los Angeles. At present there are not government sponsored programs to help subsidize the cost of laser tattoo removal in Llos Angeles county. Governor Schwarzenegger needs to listen to the social workers who think that the state of California should work with qualified medical centers to help rehabilitate members of society by offering free tattoo removal in Los Angeles. There is one catholic priest in the Los Angles area that does offer free laser tattoo removal. The idea behind free tattoo removal is to get the ex-gang bangers back into the mainstream and off the streets.



Laser Tattoo Removal Cost

Removing an old unwanted tattoo can have a very positive effect on an individual's personal image, self-confidence and personal finances. Living with an unwanted tattoo can cause financial stress in some cases- causing prospective employers not to hire an individual because of the company's policies on tattoos. Whatever the reason you need to remove the tattoo our objective is to help make it easy- you don't have to live with the regret of a not so well thought out decision, laser tattoo removal is the solution.

The cost of Tattoo Removal can be considerably more than the original cost of having the tattoo done. The cost difference is associated with the Medical Doctors oversight, the high cost of the lasers used in the process as well as the fact that the average tattoo takes multiple treatments to remove.

Description Size Down Monthly # of Payments
Small 2-3 square inches $105 $95 10
Medium 4-9 square inches $165 $150 10
Large 10-15 square inches $275 $210 12
X Large Full Sleeve/Back $450 $395 12

You can estimate your laser tattoo removal cost by referring to the chart above, our objective is to make laser tattoo removal affordable and in reach of your budget. Before any laser tattoo removal treatment a good faith medical examination must be performed in one of our clinics. Our goal is to make this process easy by allowing patients to get started with an affordable monthly payment plan.

Laser Tattoo Removal Guarantee

The cost of Tattoo Removal can be considerably more than the original cost of having the tattoo done. The cost difference is associated with the Medical Doctors oversight, the high cost of the lasers used in the process as well as the fact that the average tattoo takes multiple treatments to remove.

Look at the imags to the left to see examples of smal medium and large tattoos.

Amazing Before ;& After